Boost Community


Boost fosters a global community that enables immunization professionals to connect with peers and experts, learn skills that build capacity and advance careers, and equips professionals to lead immunization programs. Boost’s online and offline opportunities connect immunization professionals to peers, support, and resources to learn and grow. Boost programs are designed to deliver meaningful leadership training and support networks that go beyond skills-based learning to create resilient, resourceful immunization professionals around the world.

  • Mission: To foster a global community that enables immunization professionals to connect with peer and experts, learn skills that build capacity and advance careers, and lead immunization programs in challenging contexts.

  • Vision: A world in which every immunization professional is empowered to advance in their careers and accelerate change in their communities.


As part of the Global Mass Vaccination Site Collaborative, the Boost Community will host biweekly live engagements to explore various aspects of mass vaccination sites and best practices across countries. Through these engagements, we’ll be exploring topics such as funding, establishing, and managing sites. Insights from these sessions will be used to develop new tools and resources needed by the community and others involved in mass vaccination site operations.


Be sure to join the GMVSC Learning Group on Boost to connect with experts and peers involved in mass vaccination site operations and learn more about best practices, upcoming events, and new tools. To join the Learning Group:

  • Create a free Boost member account (see instructions below)

  • If you’re already a Boost member, you can join the learning group here.

How to Create a free Boost Community member profile:

  1.  Go to the Boost Community online platform
  2. At the upper-righthand corner of your screen, click on “Join Us!”
  3. Fill out a brief form to gather some basic information (i.e., name, email address, organization)
  4. Under Select which groups you want to join, select the Global Mass Vaccination Site Collaborative.
  5. Once you click submit, you will instantly receive an email from prompting you to activate your Boost member account IMPORTANT: Please check your junk email to ensure that you received this email
  6. Open the email and select “Log into Boost” to access your account
  7. When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to complete your profile (including uploading a headshot). IMPORTANT: We ask that you fill out your profile in its entirety, if possible.

Follow the Sabin Vaccine Institute on Facebook and LinkedIn to stay connected with the Boost Community!